Sunday, October 31, 2010

lets, Run It!

Initial Reaction: Initially, the party of high school students trespass a school’s gym to have a party of their own. Observing from the music video and the song itself, it is clear that there is a leader from each side of the two genders dance battling (the male leader being, Chris Brown) Later on in the video and in the song, the two leaders decide to get together and have fun at their own sweet time. In this music video, I can see that it mainly is for the high school audience as it relates to their personal love and social life. In addition I appreciate the incorporation of the urban pop and hip hop dancing in the music video. This influenced the song to be more upbeat, exciting, and something easy to dance too. Although it is still unethical because the party of people decide go against the law and trespass private property.

Analysis and interpretation: The directors of the music video created this video to promote the urban hip hop culture, through dancing. The music video’s theme consists of socialism. This is the case because the directors incorporate the teenagers to get together and have a fun time through dancing. This is something that many teenagers now a day enjoy doing to add to their social life. In addition love may be considered as the theme as Chris Brown and the other opposing female leader get together at a later time to share and enjoy each others presence. This share of feelings for the opposite sex is very common now a days for teens as well, hence the reason the directors included to attract more viewers of the age group. Although, I think this video goes against the gospel values because the directors of the video added an unethical way of the actors committing a trespass.

Consideration of cultural context:
I think considering the preferences of modern teenagers have, it has influenced Chris Brown, the music group, and the directors influenced them to make this video. Since many teens nowadays prefer high school dance events, the directors probably wanted to enforce that type of entertainment in the music video to enforce its theme and further more promote the song itself.

Expression of aesthetic judgment:
In the music video the directors enforce choreography and some sort of drama connecting to a teenager’s love. Viewing this video gives me a teenager’s dance and party ‘life’ perspective of the song. Considering the fact that the teenagers in the video dance in the high school’s gym and the mutual feelings Chris Brown and his partner had, which is typical to teenage parties nowadays.

Ongoing reflection:
In conclusion, after viewing this video, it brought more ‘hype', as the video incorporates high school dances. Now whenever I hear this song at a party or dance, it makes me want to get up, and bust a move like Chris Brown does it! In addition, I feel that at this age, it is okay to share feelings with the opposite sex, considering an age appropriate limit.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Haha, I'm going to Tweet that !

"Haha, I'm going to Tweet that right now!" "Add me as a friend on Facebook!" "I just blogged a picture of me!"  These spoken words come out the mouth of social networking users, constantly. Social Networking sites including, Myspace, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr etc, have certainly taken over the literal society. Indeed, we pursue these networking sites due to the enjoyment that they offer, as we are able to easily connect online with one another. In addition to its connectivity with friends, we can also express personal thoughts, upload personal pictures, information and have the ability to share it with everyone else. Everyone else, meaning: strangers. Since this is the case, there are unfortunate predators, potentially lurking our profile, and using it to his or her advantage. In order to enforce this, we should take full consideration of the amount of security we apply g to our social networking profiles.
                Facebook, is one of the many social networking websites we should certainly take into account when enforcing privacy settings. This is the case, because the majority of pre-teens and teenagers use this specific network, but some are still unaware of the dangers online. We can ultimately enforce privacy through the privacy settings.  Instead of making one’s profile completely open to the public, we can alter it by making it private. In doing so, users who search a specific name on the search bar, and are currently not ‘friends’, on Facebook,  can only get very limited information from the profile, or be completely invisible from the search list. In addition, the information we decide to post on Facebook should not be in complete detail or revealing. For example, one’s current geographical address, or home phone number, is unnecessary.
                In conclusion, to ensure an enforced private social networking experience, users must keep an open eye, be safe, considerate, and aware, of lurking predators

This picture of me shows my state of awestruck when I realized that my Facebook profile was not entirely private. I noticed that all my photos were open to the public, and I thuoght that they were set to private. I suggest that every one should check their setting, just to be on the safe side.