Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Haha, I'm going to Tweet that !

"Haha, I'm going to Tweet that right now!" "Add me as a friend on Facebook!" "I just blogged a picture of me!"  These spoken words come out the mouth of social networking users, constantly. Social Networking sites including, Myspace, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr etc, have certainly taken over the literal society. Indeed, we pursue these networking sites due to the enjoyment that they offer, as we are able to easily connect online with one another. In addition to its connectivity with friends, we can also express personal thoughts, upload personal pictures, information and have the ability to share it with everyone else. Everyone else, meaning: strangers. Since this is the case, there are unfortunate predators, potentially lurking our profile, and using it to his or her advantage. In order to enforce this, we should take full consideration of the amount of security we apply g to our social networking profiles.
                Facebook, is one of the many social networking websites we should certainly take into account when enforcing privacy settings. This is the case, because the majority of pre-teens and teenagers use this specific network, but some are still unaware of the dangers online. We can ultimately enforce privacy through the privacy settings.  Instead of making one’s profile completely open to the public, we can alter it by making it private. In doing so, users who search a specific name on the search bar, and are currently not ‘friends’, on Facebook,  can only get very limited information from the profile, or be completely invisible from the search list. In addition, the information we decide to post on Facebook should not be in complete detail or revealing. For example, one’s current geographical address, or home phone number, is unnecessary.
                In conclusion, to ensure an enforced private social networking experience, users must keep an open eye, be safe, considerate, and aware, of lurking predators

This picture of me shows my state of awestruck when I realized that my Facebook profile was not entirely private. I noticed that all my photos were open to the public, and I thuoght that they were set to private. I suggest that every one should check their setting, just to be on the safe side.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome post, James! Your views are very insightful and you had very smart tips. I also really like the picture you took of yourself to portray how dangerous social networking sites, such as facebook, can be.
