Friday, January 21, 2011

This post is Copyrighted

For this post, I will refer to the mash-up produced by Glee

1) What is this mashup trying to communicate? Is it technical experiment, social or political commentary, a comedic parody, or an abstract work of media art?

This mash-up by Glee is trying to communicate the well-rounded wellness of the combinations of two opposite genres. The composers who mixed the hits together resulted it a well-rounded piece of abstract media entertainment. Considering the combination, the cast uses two smash hit songs of two different genres, Confessions by Usher a rhythm and beat song, and It’s My Life by Bon Jovi, an upbeat rock and roll song. Glee combined the two hit songs, altered its lyrics and tune, mashed together the genre in different places until it became to one well-rounded song, which compliments each others melodic and harmonic tune. In addition they use different types of choreography, the creative choreography demonstrated through a wheelchair. These various medias come together to form a very fluent abstract piece of media work.

2) Did its creator follow or break copyright laws in its production?

According to Pippers Patent Attorney, “Copyright is a form of protection provided to the authors of “original works” and includes such things as literary, dramatic, musical, artistic, and certain other intellectual creations, both published and unpublished” The songs used in the mash-up and the mash-up are considered a musical literature. The production of Glee took the exact lyrics and instrumental from the songs and used to their creativity. Depending if the production of Glee had consent from the original producers of the two songs, it would not go against the law of copyright infringement.

3) Do you think that mashup like this requires copyright permission? Why or why not.

Yes I think mash-ups require a copyright protection. This is the case because the creators of the specific mash-up used their creative-thinking and applied it to make a literature of their “original work”

Here is another example of a mash-up, by DJ Earworm:

DJ Earworm is a very unique DJ, as he uses the country`s top 20 hit songs of the year, and collides them with such genuine flowing consistency, making the mash-up very prestigious.


  1. I also think this mash up was a good way to create something new in the world of arts. Combing two smash hits was a great idea since many people in the world will know the songs they are singing to. Although this does seem like a copyright, I think they will let it go because Glee is known for taking songs and making their own version and since it has been on going I think they have gotten copyright permission from the artists.

  2. I think that mashups are a very creative way of expressing different styles and combining them together. I agree with what emily said about how Glee remakes their own versions with copyright permission from the original artists ofcourse.I also like the video you posted by DJ Earworm. It's a nice mashup :)
