Thursday, February 10, 2011

the 'Weird Al Yankovic' type in logos

1. Describe the logo using the language of the Elements and Principles of Design.

The BP logo consists of the use of lines used to create a shape that somewhat resembles a star. With this shape, it is repeated and emphasized three times, through enlargement and colour wheeled changes. Over all the logo making it appear somewhat trippy, due to the overlapping illusions of the shapes, and complimenting colours.

2. Describe the symbols used in the logo. Why did the graphic artist use such imagery?

The general outstanding graphic the artist incorporated in the logo is the outline and detail of a skull. Generally speaking, a skull and crossed bones are symbolization of death. The artist may have blended the skull in with BP’s logo to emphasize the chaos they have caused, and especially the deaths of ocean wildlife.

3. What does this logo say of BP's corporate identity?

This logo clearly intends to offend the BP Company. The outstanding skull and crossed bones obviously represents death, and strongly portrays the unfortunate and chaotic disaster they have caused in the past. People who view this logo will view BP of a company whom to not trust, and of course it tells them that BP’s positive reputational identity, that was once theirs, has been diminished.

- Logo designed by: Greepeace UK

*** Please disregard the white lining in the logo image

Not only are the uses of parody presented through photos, but also through the entertainment industry. Weird Al Yankovic is a famous parody artist that takes top hit songs, and transform them into a genre of comedy. For example, this video takes Michael Jackson's hit song 'Bad' and changes the lyircs and video choreography to a music video called 'Fat'. But, Weird Al did not create this literature to offend Michael Jackson in any way, but rather for comedic entertainment purposes.

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